Thursday, October 4, 2012

Burgundy&Mint: Great Fall Color Combo

Well as you can probably tell, mint isn't going away anytime soon. To keep it fresh for fall, we gotta mix it up. This is where color combos come in burgundy is my new favorite. I also love a mint with a forest green, but we'll save that for another time! I'm definitely going to be making some jewelry soon inspired by this color combination, so hopefully everyone else loves it as much as I do!

Feeling inspired yet? 

Check out my etsy treasury for this fab color combo too! :)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Different: Koen Hauser's Amethyst

I know it's been more than a month since I've posted any finds on here, but I need to come back!! I have too many things I want to share, I just need to make a habit of it!!

I came across the artist, Koen Hauser's work appropriately titled Amethyst, and just had to share. Check out his website, for a lot more fantastic photography, manipulations, and art. Very inspiring and definitely different! Here are some stills and then the film itself! Enjoy!